Creative Spaces Summit: Revitalizing Old Buildings through Art and Culture


Save the Date: Friday, July 25, 2025 in Fort Worth

Join Preservation Texas and MINDPOP at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth on Friday, July 25th for the Creative Spaces Summit! This event will focus on a variety of topics related to the adaptive use of old buildings as creative hubs for art and culture in communities across Texas.

The Creative Spaces Summit will feature successful case studies that demonstrate how historic buildings can be reinvigorated by amplifying arts and cultural activities, such as art galleries, performance spaces, maker spaces, residency programs, etc. Sessions will also include discussions of funding models, incentive programs, and other critical issues facing historic preservation and the arts, as well as opportunities for collaborative partnerships.

An opening keynote and reception will be held on Thursday evening, July 24th at a historic venue in downtown Fort Worth (TBD)

The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth courtesy of

Call for Presentations

Preservation Texas, in partnership with MINDPOP, invites proposals for illustrated case study presentations at the Creative Spaces Summit, a gathering focused on the adaptive use of historic buildings as creative hubs across Texas. We seek engaging 50-minute presentations (including time for Q&A) that showcase successful projects and innovative strategies at the intersection of historic preservation, art, and culture.


We welcome proposals that address one or more of the following themes:

  • Case Studies – Successful transformations of performance spaces, galleries, exhibition spaces, maker spaces, and artist residencies.

  • Collaborative Partnerships – Working with historic building owners, nonprofit arts organizations, and local governments.

  • Arts, History & Identity – How integrating arts and history revitalizes towns, strengthens local identity, and builds community investment.

  • Economic Development & Community Benefits – How creative spaces drive local economies and boosts tourism.

  • Heritage Tourism & the Arts – Marketing historic creative spaces to visitors and creating dynamic programming to drive engagement.

  • Tax Credits & Funding Models – Leveraging incentives for revitalizing buildings for arts and cultural uses.

  • Organizational Development – Building sustainable arts and preservation initiatives.


Please use the form linked below to submit your proposal by Friday, April 11, 2025 at 5:00 PM CST. Speakers will receive complimentary event registration, including an opening reception on Thursday, July 24th, as well as an honorarium of $300.